Navigating This Site

Thumbnail View
In the "Art" section of this site, thumbnails of several images are presented, organized by groupings called Portfolios. To select a specific Portfolio of images organized by theme, select from the pull-down menu labeled "Portfolio:". When this is done, the name of the Portfolio being viewed is noted in that menu. To view another Portfolio or the "All Images" Portfolio, which contains all the images exhibited on the site, select the Portfolio title from this drop-down menu. Below the Portfolio selection menu is a drop-down menu containing an alphabetized list of all of the images in the Portfolio selected. Choose an image title from this list to show that image at full size.

If there are more than a few images in a Portfolio, scroll through the thumbnails in that Portfolio by using the [next page] and [previous page] buttons on the top of the thumbnail view page. In addition, click on the page numbers listed at the bottom of the thumbnail view to view any page within a multi-page Portfolio.

To see the artist's name and title of a work of art, hold the pointer over a thumbnail; a small window with this information will pop up. To see a more detailed version of the image shown in the thumbnail, or to find out further information about that artwork, click on its thumbnail image or select its name in the menu labeled "Images in this Portfolio".

Image View
The "Image View" presents the object in a larger, detailed image and includes other important information about the piece.

While in the "Image View", use the [next image] and [previous image] buttons to scroll through the images in the current Portfolio one by one. As before, the name of the Portfolio being viewed is noted in the drop-down menu labeled "Portfolio:". Selecting another Portfolio from this drop-down menu will take you to a thumbnail view of that Portfolio. Below the Portfolio selection menu is another drop-down menu containing an alphabetized list of all of the images in the Portfolio currently being viewed. Choose an image title from this list to view the detailed image in Image View. In some cases, a third menu listing other images by the same artist will be available. View these other images by choosing a title from this drop-down menu.

Choose "remember this" by clicking on the link below the image to select and remember that image. Remembering an image will add it to a list of images that may be viewed later by clicking on "view remembered".

If the name of the artist is highlighted as a link, click on their name to view biographical information about the artist.

To view a printable version of any image, click on the large image in "Image View". To return to the previous page from the printable version, select "Back" from the web browser's navigation bar or click on the image.

To return to the thumbnail view and continue browsing, click on the [thumbnail view] button.

The "Artists" page of this site highlights the artists we represent, organized alphabetically in a drop-down menu in the upper right part of the page. Choose the artist you are interested in from this menu to view biographical information and a menu of images in the gallery by that artist. Selecting an image from this menu will bring up the detailed Image View of that piece. To view a different artist, select another name from the menu labeled "Artists"

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